Manuscript and Poetry Critiques

Write on the Sound provides an opportunity to have part of your manuscript and/or poetry reviewed by a professional author or writing instructor. Designed for both the novice and the published writer, a limited number of appointments are offered with an additional non-refundable fee when you register for the conference. 

All appointment times for the 2024 conference are full. Registration for appointments is closed.


terms and conditions

You must be registered for the current year conference. Purchase an appointment with your registration. $47 fee is non-refundable.

  • Pages/poetry is submitted in advance. Writers whose pages are not received by the deadline of Sept. 5 forfeit their appointment to someone on the waitlist. Fee is nonrefundable.
  • Appointments are limited to first come, first served, based on availability. A wait list may be available (based on the reviewers' availability).
  • You will receive a confirmation email after registration. You will then receive either an email or a phone call from the office to schedule your appointment day and time. Appointments will be made in the order of registrations received.

fiction and nonfiction instructions

  • Limit one manuscript.
  • Pages must be digitally formatted as a PDF or a Microsoft WORD document, double spaced, on a standard 8.5 x 11 page layout, 1-inch margins on all sides, in a standard copy font (Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, etc.), 10, 11 or 12 points. No scans of handwritten work.
  • No book cover design or illustrations.
  • Page 1 is a short synopsis of your story, or a query or pitch, followed by a brief author biography. Pages 2-11 are the first 10 pages of your manuscript.
  • “Save As” a single document only as a PDF or Microsoft WORD document.
  • Email your pages to: [email protected]. Only those with a scheduled appointment may send in pages for critique.

poetry instructions 

  • One to five poems. All forms of poetry are acceptable.
  • Pages must be digitally formatted as a PDF or a Microsoft WORD document on a standard 8.5 x 11 page layout, 1-inch margins on all sides, in a standard copy font (Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, etc.), 10, 11 or 12 points.
  • No scans of handwritten work; no designs, photos or illustrations.
  • Include a brief author biography on an additional page (page number 11).
  • “Save As” one document (poetry and biography together).
  • Email your pages to: [email protected]. Only those with a scheduled appointment may send in poetry for critique.