Open House to Discuss DEIS and Draft Comp Plan

Open House to Discuss DEIS and Draft Comp Plan
Posted on 10/23/2024
Open house invite

The public is invited to attend an in-person open house on Monday, October 28th to review and comment on the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) and the draft comprehensive plan. The open house will take place between 3:30 and 5:30pm in the Brackett Room at City Hall (third floor, 121 5th Avenue N).

The city is in the process of updating the comprehensive plan which is the city’s primary policy document that outlines a long-term vision and provides direction for future growth and development over the next 20 years. The state due date for this update is the end of 2024.

The draft comprehensive plan includes goals and policies for several elements, including Land Use, Housing, Transportation, Economic Development, Community Design, Climate, Capital Facilities, and Utilities. The draft plan includes a no-action alternative and two action alternatives that describe the City's approach to accommodate the predicted growth and its long-term goals and policies that align with the City's vision.

The city has also prepared a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) to evaluate potential effects of the actions being considered as part of updating the comprehensive plan.

The DEIS considers potential impacts of three alternative growth strategies on water resources, plants and animals, population-employment-housing, land use, transportation, public services and utilities. It also identifies mitigation measures for probable impacts and summarizes whether there are significant unavoidable adverse impacts.

RSVPs are not required but are encouraged for logistics and planning. You can RSVP online here.  To view the DEIS and draft comprehensive plan, leave a comment online, and view more information about the comprehensive plan process, please visit