Growth Targets & Alternatives


The vision statement is developed through community visioning process and then reviewed by the Edmonds Planning Board and the City Council.

“Edmonds is a charming and welcoming city offering outstanding quality of life for all with vibrant and diverse neighborhoods, safe streets, parks, and a thriving arts scene shaped in a way to promote healthy lifestyles, climate resiliency, and access to the natural beauty of our community.”

Illustration representing community values

This Story Map illustrates our journey so far with the Comprehensive Plan update. It introduces the Comprehensive Plan and provides an overview of the visioning process, gap analysis, existing conditions studyneighborhood meetings summary, and the city's approach to the growth alternatives to accommodate the future growth and needs of our growing community while meeting the state legislature requirements.

Click here to view the Story Map

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Edmonds Growth Targets

Snohomish County Tomorrow (SCT) Planning Advisory Committee develops the 2044 population and employment targets by jurisdiction. 

Edmonds is projected to grow by 

  • 13,113 Population
  • 9,068 Additional Housing Units
  • 3,058 Jobs

However, Buildable Lands report (BLR) evaluates the existing capacities within the city and future land supply to accommodate the projected growth.

Per BLR, Edmonds has an existing capacity of 5,000 units and 2,500 jobs approximately. So, our comprehensive plan update needs to explore opportunities to accommodate 4,000 housing units and 500 jobs for the next 20-year growth.

Washington State has implemented new House Bills.

HB1110Increasing middle housing in areas traditionally dedicated to single-family detached housing. 

HB1337Expanding housing options by easing barriers to the construction and use of accessory dwelling units.

HB1220 Supporting emergency shelters and housing through local planning and development regulations.

These house bills play a significant role for planning the future growth.

Click here to view the GROWTH TARGETS explanation

Click here to view the METHODOLOGY MEMO for the land capacity analysis

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“Growth Alternatives” refer to different strategies for managing population growth, land use, and development within a city or region. They are the basis for environmental analysis, which is the process of studying each alternative and forecasting impacts on different elements of the environment.

Click here to view the two Growth Alternatives for DEIS study purpose.

To learn more about these alternatives visit

Community feedback was collected and incorporated at various stages. Staff discussed the conceptual growth alternatives with the Planning Board and the City Council.  

At the council meeting on April 9, council members approved the growth alternatives for the purpose of environmental analysis. A DRAFT Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) will be provided identifying any significant environmental issues, which will allow the staff and council to make informed decisions. The community will also have an opportunity to comment.

Click here to view the previous meeting recordings and presentations.

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