Storm and Surface Water Comprehensive Plan Update

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Project Description

The Edmonds Storm and Surface Water Comprehensive Plan (SCP) identifies actions the City should take for:

  • Flood Mitigation: Keep streets and private property dry to the maximum extent possible (Public health and safety and economic vitality).
  • Environmental Compliance: Comply with Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) Municipal Stormwater Permit and all other applicable environmental regulations.
  • Asset Management: Operate, maintain, and upgrade stormwater infrastructure in a cost-efficient manner.

The SCP will define the stormwater system needs and develop a fair and reasonable apportionment of the cost of providing and maintaining services and facilities.  

The Stormwater Utility is responsible for operation, maintenance and repair activities performed on the entire City-owned storm drainage system which includes pipes and other conveyances, roads, streets, curbs and gutters, culverts, catch basins, flow control facilities, and some runoff treatment facilities.

In addition, to comply with regulatory requirements and to help improve the health of streams in the City, the SCP will include:
  • Stormwater Retrofit Capital Projects: Refit existing infrastructure to reduce the impact of City stormwater flows on aquatic environments (On the Land)
  • Stream Habitat Improvements: Reconnect floodplains, re-plant riparian (streamside) corridor, remove barrier culverts, and improve in-stream conditions (In and adjacent to the stream; City -owned property only) and, possibly achieve results on private property through public/private partnerships.

Meaningful stream habitat improvement can only be accomplished by reducing stormwater flows into these receiving waters and improving the water quality of the discharges.

All of these building blocks are supported by the Stormwater Utility and Other Funding. Adequate funding is necessary to meet all other goals in an equitable and cost-efficient manner.

The building blocks of the SCP are shown below:

building blocks graphic

The City’s current SCP was adopted in 2010 and needs to be updated because:

  • Regulations change: Ecology recently issued a new Municipal Stormwater Permit that is effective from mid-2024 through mid-2029, the City needs a plan to stay in compliance.
  • Our climate is changing: Stormwater management must adapt to changing conditions.
  • Growth is happening: More growth, more runoff to manage.
  • Attitudes change: The SCP needs to reflect the viewpoints of all internal and external partners.     

Ways to Get Involved

stormwater image 1 - water in lawn

Development of the SCP will include ongoing engagement with Edmonds community members and other stakeholders. We are seeking input through the following:

  • Attend a public meeting. Two public meetings are anticipated to be scheduled in the spring of 2025 during the public review period for the plan to highlight some of the key findings, program enhancements, and proposed stormwater projects.
  • Provide comments on the plan. The public review period is anticipated to be in the spring of 2025.

The goals for the SCP will be integrated in the overall City Comprehensive Plan.

Proposed Timeline

Project Documents

Materials will be added as they become available. Materials that are currently available related to this project include:


Contact our Project Team at:
[email protected]

City of Edmonds
Stormwater Engineering
121 5th Ave N, Second Floor
Edmonds, WA 98020